Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Welcome to Copenhagen

Well hi everyone!

I do feel kind of silly for starting a blog, but I thought this might be the best way to let everyone know how I am doing, and for me to keep track of major changes in my life. Why does my life need keeping track of, you might ask. I will tell you... I am in Copenhagen for the semester! And if that is not a major change, I don't know what is.

So a little background, I am studying with DIS (Danish Institute for Study Abroad) this fall, specifically the Medical Practice and Policy Program. I take a core course (taught at the most specialized and well-funded hospital in the country), plus Danish language, and a bunch of other really interesting and unique classes. Some are taught through DIS, but two are taught at the University of Copenhagen, meaning I will be having classes with Danes, not just Americans!

Anyway, I flew out of the good old USA last Friday, arrived Saturday, and have since been adjusting to a new apartment, new city, new country, and new life. And I am loving every minute of it! I am living with a young Danish couple (not actually a home-stay, since I am essentially just renting a room in their apartment) and their two cats. So far, it is working out perfectly. It is proving to be exactly the change that I needed.

The last few days have been crazy busy with orientation activities, but they are finally over, just in time for classes to start tomorrow! Yes, I am a dork, and I am really looking forward to my classes. I mean, since when can I get credit for going to hospitals, "learning" to suture, and talking to patients?? I think it will be incredible. And as for my other classes, I am very excited to not have any lab courses, and to have an opportunity to apply the basic science knowledge that I already have to new areas, say Neurobiology and Religious Faith? (I think that is the class I am most looking forward to. And if you haven't read "The God Delusion" you really really should. And "Why God Won't Go Away. Just do it, regardless of your beliefs, it will certainly make you look at them differently.)

I will try to write something frequently, just to let everyone know I am still alive and all. And I promise to post pictures, maybe some recipes I try, and other little tidbits over the coming four months!

I guess I don't have any profound insights to add yet, it is all still a little to overwhelming to start reflecting on the experience already. But these things I know:
1. Copenhagen is beautiful, friendly, and easy to navigate.
2. It is very hard to find vegan food here- at least it was until I discovered the wonders of the grocery store, Irma. But still, my roommates, when I told them I was vegan, didn't even know what it meant. Everyone here pretty much survives on meat, fish, and cheese. But I now have soy milk, tofu, and brown rice, so life is good.
3. Compartment syndrome is noooo fun... no fun at all.
4. I am going to have a hard time coming home after this.

And here are a few pictures to make you jealous...

The view from outside my apartment

Looking across the water from "The Black Diamond" (aka- The National Library)

Just a random street (Note the bikes, they are EVERYWHERE!)

The Stroget, the busiest shopping street in Copenhagen (No cars allowed!)

A man in a silver costume, compete with water squirting out his head and hands

My favorite fountain so far, The Crane Fountain

Just a pretty church steeple, I'm not sure which one.

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