Monday, October 26, 2009

How long until I get to be a med student again?

I found myself asking this question (once again) today in Human Health and Disease. What lead to this, you may ask? Well I will tell you: rows upon rows upon rows of various anatomical preparations, sitting in formaldehyde, just waiting for me to study them! So so so cool! Even better, they all had tons of colored pins in them, and each pin identified an anatomical structure, so you could test yourself!
Every time I see things like this (the Bodies exhibit, or medical museums, for example), I realize just how badly I want to be a doctor. Yup, the idea of baking and opening a little bakery is still somewhere in my head, but it gets pushed waaay back on days like today. I mean, how cool is being able to see exactly what is inside of you, how it is all connected, where something could go wrong, and why we evolved how we did? OK, maybe it is only that cool to me. But maybe that means that being a doctor is really what I am meant to do with my life? I am going to go with yes, at least for the moment. (and maybe specifically I should consider surgery? But that I really don't know about yet...)

In other, rather less strange, news... Rachel Spear is the best person in the world! I came home after part 2 of 3 of my Danish midterm today, and my roommate calls out, "You have some mail, its in the kitchen." I never get mail, unless it is something from the Danish government about my visa, CPR card, etc, so I was rather confused. And what is sitting there, but an envelope from my best friend! Pictures, music, and the reminder that I have amazing friends was exactly what I needed! So thank you thank you thank you yotch #1! And you all could be my favorite people too... hint, hint... I like packages, letters, anything!

Last thoughts:
1. I will be home in 55 days (holy crap!)
2. My vegan soda bread needs a little more work before I post the recipe.
3. Yankees in the World Series=happiness! also= more late nights in my future, since games usually start at 2am Copenhagen time. Oh well, totally worth it.
4. TOP CHEF! I totally forgot to post this before, but Natalie Portman, one of my favorite actresses, is going to be on Top Chef this week. And the best part, SHE IS A VEGAN!! Hahaha, I love watching chefs try to cook vegan food, they get so scared!

And of course, my parents are coming on Saturday! Two weeks of vacation, here I come. Just need to get through these pesky midterms...

1 comment:

  1. Drive by cousin sighting! :O (Guess which one. Hurr)

    Glad to see you're doing well. I've gotten into cooking in the past year too (well, baking) so it seems to be infectious. Sorry we'll miss you on Thanksgiving, you'll have to come down here to visit at some point when you're back in the states. You need to meet my new hedgehog, she's just about the cutest thing of all time. Send me a message on facebook with your address and I'll send you a care package too! :D

    Say hello to the fam when they get there.
