Saturday, October 24, 2009

Update on life

I know, I know, I haven't written anything in awhile- I'm a bad blogger. But I shall attempt to remedy that with a view stories of recent happenings. And I promise promise promise I will be better!

So, did I mention I was trying out a new cake? Chocolate-Avocado Cake with Avocado Buttercream! Sounds weird and completely inedible, right? Wrong! It actually turned out really well. About a week ago (I know, I haven't written in ages), the "Americans Cooking in Copenhagen" had a cooking night, and we gathered for food, wine, cake, and movies at Brandon's apartment, and this was my contribution:

Pretty much the only decent size pan my roommate has is heart-shaped, hence I have been making many heart cakes and brownies.

The recipe is all over many vegan (and non-vegan) baking blogs. The cake recipe is originally from Vegetarian in the Middle East, and the frosting is from Alton Brown. (By the way, I absolutely love Alton Brown, Good Eats, and actually pretty much anything on Food Network. When I grow up, I want to be him... any suggestions on how to go about doing that?) Any way, I pretty much followed this, but I didn't have that much chocolate to melt, so I just put in a little and added some extra cocoa. It still turned out well! And surprisingly, everyone in the group (all non-vegans) seemed to really like it! I think its a keeper.

So beyond baking... studying, studying, writing, reading... it's almost like I'm in school or something! I guess DIS finally decided to start giving us some work, but it is still nothing compared to the normal workload at home, so I really can't complain. But some of the other programs and classes are getting hit really hard last week and this coming week, so people are panicking a bit. I think we were all lulled into a false sense of security, and now with travel break just a week away, all the professors are pushing to get mid-terms exams and projects done.

And speaking of travel break, my parents get here a week from today! I am really excited to see them and travel for 2 weeks. I think we finally have a basic plan: stay in Copenhagen Saturday to Wednesday morning, then rent a car and see the sights of Denmark, end up back in Copenhagen and take an overnight train to Prague, stay there a few days, take another train to Budapest for a night, then head back to Copenhagen. Yay yay yay!

This is going to be awesome- both the traveling and having a little bit of home here! I have now been in Copenhagen for more than 2 months, and I have less then 2 months before I head home. It might seem bad to say, but I am actually looking forward to going home. I don't know if I will still feel that way when the time actually comes to leave, but at the moment here are my feelings: I have loved my experiences here, but 2 months is enough. I know I am not going to be fully integrated into Danish life in 2 or 4 months, and I miss everyone and everything at home. This has been amazing and I am so glad I decided to study here, but I could happily be done now. I guess DIS has learned this from experience, and that is probably why they schedule a long break for us now. And when I get back from traveling, there will be just a week and a half, then more traveling, this time to London for Thanksgiving, and then just three weeks of finishing up classes, finals, and papers, and then I am home!!! So I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

And I have been having lots and lots of fun here. Last night, Alexis came home for his birthday (that would be my roommate who is currently studying in England for the semester), and we had a surprise party last night. Which meant Mitte and I spent a good part of the day baking, decorating, and cleaning. We made some rather impressive cakes, using fondant and the whole nine-yards!
And this morning was the 350 Climate Change event in Copenhagen. Check out for more info about the event, but essentially it is an international day for climate action, raising awareness, etc. There are 4500 events in 181 countries, and it is really amazing. A lot of volunteers here have been working like crazy to make it a success, and there were hundreds of people in the rain in Radhuspladsen this morning! It was great!

And now I have work to do, but I promise more updates (and more often) to come!

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