Saturday, September 5, 2009

A day of opposites and pictures... and cooking!

On Wednesdays, we don't have classes, theoretically in order to be able to go on field studies. But this week, I didn't have any scheduled. So it was time for a day of sight seeing. I met my friends Deborah and her friend Will at DIS, and we headed to Christiania and then Tivoli.

Christiania is a very interesting area of Copenhagen. It is right outside the center of the city, and it began in the 60s or 70s as a sort of social experiment. People were allowed to live there without paying taxes, and it functioned as a coop. Since then, it has essentially become a haven for hippies and druggies. Literally, they sell EVERYTHING related to drugs along the main street, which, consequently, is called Pusher Street. The pictures are from outside the main area, as they really don't like people taking pictures inside. The police essentially leave them alone, but apparently they have raids every month or so, and the residents are a little touchy about outsiders. The area surrounding it, as you can see, is lovely. And inside...well, lets just say it is something you have to experience for yourself.

So from the drug-laden Christiania to Tivoli, about as opposite as you can possibly get. Tivoli is the amusement park located right next to the Center Square. It also happens to be the world's first amusement park. Rumor has it that it also gave Walt Disney his inspiration to create Disney World. Whatever the case is, it is a beautiful place, with tons of rides, restaurants, even a mini aquarium! I took waaaay too many pictures, so here are just a few...

Sorry these took me awhile to put up. But in other news... I signed up for cooking classes! For the next four Tuesdays, I will be doing cooking classes, one focusing on breakfast/lunch, one on traditional Danish food, one on baking, and even on VEGETARIAN day!!! This is my first chance to take cooking classes, and I am really excited about them. And even though I am sure none of what we cook will be vegan, I think I will at least try everything! I CANNOT WAIT! This is something I have been wanting to do for a long time, so when I heard about it, I signed up immediately!

In other news, for Smithies, I will have an article in the Sophian about my experiences here in the next issue! AND it might turn into a more regular column! Sweet!

Lastly, I have been cooking up a storm the last few days. I made (vegan) oatmeal raisin cookies, and then Emma came over last night and we had yummy ginger-carrot soup, and salad and, of course, cookies! If anyone wants recipes, let me know and I can post them. And tonight, more folks are coming over, and I am planning on making Vegetable Curry with brown rice, and chapti flat breads... and possibly also brownies? If that all comes out well, I will try to take pictures and post them with recipes later!

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