Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Food Post!... and this weekend's upcoming adventure

I know I promised recipes, but I keep forgetting to take pictures of the food I make! So to begin, I offer a link to the best vegan brownies I have yet to find. It is from "Cookie Madness," which always makes me smile! Even though its not a vegan-specific blog, there are a number of vegan recipes, and this one happens to be amazing, even if the method is a little strange. Just give it a chance, I promise you will not be disappointed. The only thing I changed was to cut down both sugars from 1 cup to 3/4 of a cup. I didn't add nuts or vegan chips (because I didn't have them) but they can't be bad! By the way, my very non-vegan friend, Emma, loved these, and claims that they just might be better than the amazing brownies her mom makes! Vegans for the win!

Other things I have been making lately: Veggie Curry, adapted from Monty's Blue Plate Cookbook. Monty's Diner is the original restaurant of the FoodFight group of Madison. Hubbard Diner, where I worked in the bakery a year ago, is kind of a spin of. But Monty's has waaaaay more veggie/vegan options, and it is fantastic! I have never had the curry there, but my version turned out well, as James and Emma can attest :) I pretty much followed their recipe, but had to substitute for some things I didn't have.

You want breakfast you say? In five minutes? Well, try the breakfast couscous from La Dolce Vegan. It is essentially just couscous, cooked in soy milk with banana, vanilla, and cinnamon. I threw in some raisins, just for good measure. It may be my new favorite food... except for my breakfast smoothie...

My achievement this morning: getting out the door by 8am, in order to meet my Danish class for a tour of Christiania. How did I do it? A breakfast smoothie in my Sig bottle! Super simple: last night, I took a banana out of its peel, cut in into hunks, and froze it. This morning, into the blender it goes, along with about a cup of soy milk, maybe 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and about a tablespoon of cocoa powder. Buzz! A yummy, totally decadent, protein-packed, breakfast on the go! Throw it into the bottle, add a straw (ok, I had to cut off the end to make it fit in the bottle), grab my bus pass, and I was on my way! Sweet... literally :D

And now I should finish packing, because our first study tour is tomorrow! We are going to Arhus and several other areas in NW Denmark for three days. We will be touring hospitals, namely the new and impressive Hans Christian Anderson Children's Hospital, seeing the newest in medical robots, and visiting general practitioners. I think it will be a great experience... minus the massive quantities of walking that will be involved. The legs will not be happy. Oh well. But it does mean I will be out of internet contact until Saturday night. So leave me messages here/facebook/email, etc, and they will make me happy in a few days!

One last cooking tidbit, my dinner tonight: it was delicious, and kind of professional looking... but you will have to take my word for it. I was so hungry, I gobbled it up before I could grab my camera. So here it is: My version of beans and rice for one hungry vegan.

Mallery's Beans and Rice Extravaganza!

Cooked Brown Rice (As much as you want to eat)

Half a yellow onion, chopped
1 stalk of celery, chopped
1/3 of a bell pepper (I used yellow)

1 garlic clove, minced
1 small-ish tomato, chopped
Salt, Pepper, Red pepper flakes, Sriracha sauce (amounts? how spicy do you want it?)

1/2 a can of kidney beans (~200 g)
1/2 cup water

2 T. fresh herbs, chopped (Cilantro and parsley would probably be your best bets)

1/8 of an avocado (or more if you want), chopped

I promise this is easy... really easy. First, heat up a bit of olive oil in a small pot. Dump in the first three veggies and saute until the onions are translucent. Add the garlic, tomato, and spices. Saute another 2 minutes. Add the water and beans, bring to a boil, then turn the heat down and simmer for 10 minutes. Take it off the heat, adjust seasoning if you want, throw the herbs in, and put a lid on for a few minutes. Rice goes in a bowl, followed by the bean mix, and finally the avocado on top of it all!
Let me know what you think!

(OK Miss Megan, hope those recipes/ideas make you happy and will keep you occupied for now!)

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