Friday, September 18, 2009

A day of ups and downs

As of tomorrow, I will have been in Copenhagen for four weeks. And for the first time this morning, I got very homesick. I'm not sure what set me off, but I would have done anything to have woken up in Madison or Northampton this morning. Which is strange, considering yesterday I got to talk to a lot of my favorite people from home, which made me incredibly happy. But I guess talking to all of them made me realize how far away I was, and how long it is going to be before I see them again. I will be home in three months. Three months is a very long time. It is also a long time to go without being able to just pick up the phone and call or text anyone. I think I am missing that instant connection the most.

So feeling rather sad and sorry for myself, I made my way to my one and only class today. I honestly would have been happier with more today, then I would have had something else to focus on. But the first bright spot of the day appeared heading to class- I ran into Ania and Rachel, who I hadn't seen FOREVER; hugs from my favorite smithies= an excellent turning point in my day. Second bright spot, two muffins to munch on during class! Yay, late night baking paying off!

I normally really hate not having a plan for the day, but I had no plans after class. I ended up just walking... and walking... and walking. For about three hours. It was fantastic. I got lost. I found new stores, namely one with AMERICAN peanut butter, maple syrup, and BBQ sauce, and on that had much cheaper versions of my favorite vegan granola bars here, which, yesterday I ran out of. So the day was improving.

Well, to reward myself for all my walking (while carrying my heavy backpack), I decided I needed food. I was headed to The Living Room for a smoothie and wireless, but saw a cafe in a bookstore, where lots of people had their computers. I found a table in the back with an outlet and yes, wireless, and set myself up to finish some work. Of course, I still needed sustenance, so I ordered a hummus sandwich. It was the most delicious thing I have eaten in a long time. And HUGE! I need to remember that place. Oh, and another bright spot (these are becoming more numerous, aren't they?), I got to talk to Hal for a while on FB chat! Yay, catching up with other friends living in strange hemispheres! That conversation really really cheered me up. As did finishing up a bunch of work, and continuing work on the ever-growing spreadsheet of med schools I want to apply to.

I finally did make my way back to the apartment, in a much better mood then when I left. My roommates are around, making waffles at the moment for a few friends coming over (saying goodbye, yet again, to Alexis). Oh, and I convinced them to try my muffins, and according to Mitte "They are really really good!" And Alexis is now raving about them too. More non-vegan converts... :)

Overall, I am still homesick, but writing this, I realized I had a much better day than I expected. And it can only get better right? Especially because I am drinking a glass of chocolate soy milk, my new obsession! Seriously seriously yummy.

So there is my rant. I am still in need of hugs. Anyone? Thanks. <3

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