Thursday, September 24, 2009

My new home away from home...

... is Food and Coffee, located just a few blocks from Norreport Station.

How I found it: I was walking back from another favorite Copenhagen haunt, Naturbageriet( a vegan bakery!) after class this morning. I have been in desperate need of bread, so I bought a loaf of bread with seeds and carrots baked in, yummy! And then I saw an almond cookie, with marzipan in the center and toasted almonds on top... and I decided to splurge. Such a good plan! I stole a little bite of cookie, and then resolved to save the rest until I got back to my apartment. I had work to do, so the cookie was going to be a reward to myself. At least that was the plan. And then I saw Food and Coffee on a side-street.

I have no idea what attracted me to it, but I walked in, just to see what it was. And then I smelled the coffee, saw all the organic and vegan products, the smoothie and coffee menus, and the sign that said "Student Discount"... and I just couldn't leave.
First, the design is great. There are bean-bag chairs, tall stools made of tree trunks, pillows on tool counters, and smaller couches and tables in a back room. The front is all windows, so everything is beautifully lit, and inviting, and just fun!
Second, the coffee. Although Copenhagen has a growing cafe culture, their coffee is, across the board, pretty terrible. And expensive. But with my discount here, the cost was just very expensive, not totally and completely unreasonable, like most places are. But more to the point, it is really good coffee! I just had a cafe au lait, but they had everything, even iced coffee, and something that looked kind of reminiscent of a frappacino.
Third, wireless! They have macs there everyone can use, but they also have wireless and will cheerfully give you the password if you ask!

So instead of going home and studying, I sat at a tall table at Food and Coffee, drank my coffee and ate my cookie, studied, and had an interesting debate with a guy from South Africa, who lives in Washington D.C., and comes to Copenhagen frequently for business. Random. But awesome!

The moral of the story... if you can't find me at DIS or my apartment, I am probably at Food and Coffee!

P.S.- I really love random, totally unexpectedly good days :)

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